SRO Renewal Initiative

Project Description

Meeting the goal of providing the homeless with access to stable housing with integrated support services is a key priority for BC Housing. The single room occupancy (SRO) Renewal Initiative project renewed and restored 13 SRO hotels located in Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside, currently home to more than 900 residents. The project delivered numerous benefits and improvements for residents, including the quality of maintenance, services and programs delivered. The project also required the preservation of SRO hotels with historical significance that form part of the City of Vancouver’s and Parks Canada’s National Historic Site registries.

Project Status:

Completed March 2017


BC Housing - Ministry of Energy, Mines and Natural Gas, ministry responsible for Housing

Project Cost:

$143.3 million


Habitat Housing Initiative (HHI)

Project Milestones

Request for Qualifications Issued
October 20, 2011
Request for Qualifications Closed
December 8,2011
Shortlist Announced
February 15, 2012
Request for Proposals Issued
February 15, 2012
Contract Award
December 20, 2012
Construction Began
December 20, 2012
Construction Completed
March 2017

Procurement Documents


Project Contacts

Project Contact:

Dawn Wilson
Project Director

Media Contact:

Fergus McCann
Acting Senior Manager, Public Affairs
BC Housing
Phone: (778) 452-6445

Project Location


