Capital Regional District: Residuals Treatment Facility Project

Project Description

The Residuals Treatment Facility was a design, build, partially finance, operated and maintained project with a 20-year term that accepts and treats residual solids from the McLoughlin Point Wastewater Treatment Plant and other facilities within the Capital Regional District (CRD).

The Residuals Treatment Facility is located at Hartland Landfill, a 125-acre site located in Saanich that is the regional solid waste disposal facility owned and operated by the CRD.

Project Co was responsible for the production of “Class A” biosolids which must comply with defined quality parameters.  Project Co was responsible to temporarily store and load the biosolids; the disposal, or beneficial reuse of biosolids is not part of this Project.  The CRD undertook a separate planning process to develop an Integrated Resource Management program that would incorporate the treated biosolids.

The Wastewater Treatment Project cost was $765 million and the federal and provincial governments assisted the Capital Regional District in funding this project.

The Government of Canada contributed up to $120 million through the Building Canada Fund – Major Infrastructure Component towards the McLoughlin Point Wastewater Treatment Plant; and up to $50 million through the Green Infrastructure Fund towards the conveyance system project.

The Government of British Columbia provided up to $248 million towards the three components of the project.

P3 Canada provided up to $41 million towards the Residuals Treatment Facility through the P3 Canada Fund.

The Capital Regional District provided $306 million for the three project components and was responsible for any additional costs.

Project Status:

Completed September 2020


Capital Regional District

Project Cost:

$765 million total program cost


Hartland Resource Management General Partnership

Project Milestones

Request for Qualifications Issued
December 2, 2016
Request for Qualifications Closed
February 9, 2017
Shortlist Announced
April 5, 2017
Request for Proposals Issued
April 5, 2017
Contract Awarded
February 2018
Construction Began
Spring 2018
Construction Completed
September 2020

Project Contacts

Keith Sun
Project Director

Project Location


