Indigenous Relations

Infrastructure BC values relationships between our organization, Indigenous Peoples, clients, market bidders and industry associations.

As per our mandate letter and annual service plan, Infrastructure BC is committed to building and maintaining working relationships with Indigenous Peoples. Where appropriate, the operations of Infrastructure BC will contribute to the objectives outlined in the government’s Implementation of the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples Act and the Truth and Reconciliation Commission Calls to Action, demonstrating support for true and lasting reconciliation.

Supporting government and Indigenous Peoples through our organization’s mandate, Infrastructure BC will continue to seek opportunities to include Indigenous Peoples and businesses through the planning, procuring and construction of projects that Infrastructure BC has been engaged to assist clients with.

We value our relationships with organizations such as First Nations Health Authority.

Infrastructure BC works with clients to develop contractual requirements in relation to Indigenous Peoples participation.  These have included employment and contracting requirements, design elements and ensuring that needs of Indigenous Peoples are met throughout completed facilities.

Williams Lake First Nation hosts smudging ceremony for hospital project
Williams Lake First Nation hosts smudging ceremony for hospital project

Haida Gwaii Hospital and Health Centre – Xaayda Gwaay Ngaaysdll Naay

Infrastructure BC is incredibly proud to extend our expertise to Nunavut by managing the procurement of the Iqaluit International Airport Improvement Project, one of the largest pieces of public infrastructure ever built in Iqaluit and a major undertaking for the Government of Nunavut. The contract held significant requirements for the involvement of Nunavut Land Claim Agreement beneficiaries, Inuit registered businesses and for the training and hiring of Nunavut Land Claim Agreement beneficiaries throughout the term of the Project Agreement.

Iqaluit International Airport

Working with project owners and bidders, Infrastructure BC facilitates dedicated Indigenous business networking sessions.  When invited, Infrastructure BC attends First Nations procurement networking events.

As part of ongoing staff training, our team has participated in specialized Indigenous Awareness training workshops.

Since 2020, Our team at Infrastructure BC proudly supports the Moose Hide Campaign, raising awareness of the campaign’s goal to end violence towards women and children.