Mission Senior Secondary School

The Board of Education of School District No. 75 (Mission) is seeking a partner to design and build a new Secondary School to address an aging existing school and enrolment capacity projections for the district. The Project will be built at 32939 7th Avenue, Mission, on the same site as the existing Mission Secondary School.

Mission Senior Secondary School

Project Description

Project Overview:

The Board of Education of School District No. 75 (Mission) is seeking a partner to design and build a new Secondary School to address an aging existing school and enrolment capacity projections for the district. The Project will be built at 32939 7th Avenue, Mission, on the same site as the existing Mission Secondary School. The existing school will remain operational throughout construction of the new school, with demolition commencing following the completion of construction.

Project Description: 

The Mission Senior Secondary School Project (Project) was approved to proceed to procurement by the Province of British Columbia and was announced on April 5, 2024. The Project was approved to proceed to procurement under a Design-Build procurement model.

The Project is planned to include:

  • A new school with an approximate gross area of 14,000 m2 with capacity for 1,500 students, Grades 10 to 12, with the ability to expand capacity to 1,650 students.
  • Special education resources through flex spaces and break-out rooms.
  • A Neighborhood Learning Centre consisting of:
    • Child care;
    • Community kitchen and meeting space; and
    • Gathering room for Indigenous education.
  • Demolition of the existing school following substantial completion.


Client:The Board of Education of School District No. 75 (Mission)
Project Cost:Approximately $176million
Project Status:In procurement
Project Website:https://www.mpsd.ca/District/Pages/default.aspx#/=


Request for Qualifications IssuedAugust 20, 2024
Request for Qualifications CloseOctober 10, 2024
Issue Request for Proposal (RFP)November 22, 2024
RFP closeMay 22, 2025
Contract award (anticipated):October 2025
Project completion:Fall 2028

Project Updates

  1. -New Mission Senior Secondary adds 250 more student spaces  – April 5, 2024

Procurement Documents

Project Map

Project Contacts

Joshua Smith
Senior Associate


Sue-Anne Fimrite
Project Director

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